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Labradorite is a gemstone of black tone, usually displaying a visual effect similar to iridescence, named labradorescence. This effect can appear to be moving as the stone rotates, which gives it an appealing look when set into jewellery.


A Labradorite Stone
This gemstone can display a variety of colours. Usually, the one consistent tone is the underlying dark or black base of the stone. The labradorescence displayed by this gem can vary with multicolour tones including blue, yellow, green, purple, red, and possibly other tones. Lustre tends to have a glassy appearance, though pearl-like examples are possible as well. It isn't the hardest of gemstones, usually being rated between 5 and 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. The stones tend to be transparent, with translucent examples common as well.

Generally, these stones are not subjected to any treatment to improve their visual quality, as it is easy to find fine examples of natural origins. They are sensitive to pressure, and any impact can easily lead to cracks or chips appearing on the gemstone. Therefore, it is advisable to handle it with care.

A Labradorite Stone


This stone tends to be used for cabochons and beads. It can at times be faceted and set into rings, and sometimes carved into ornaments, but most commonly it appears as a setting in necklaces and bracelets.

While oval shapes are the most common, it is still possible to create gemstones of more varied shapes such as near-square rectangles, round shapes, as well as heart shapes.

This stone can also be used to create Andesine, by applying diffusion treatment to it.


Its origins are in Canada, specifically a province named Labrador – from which Labradorite got its name. It can also be found in Australia, Ukraine, Finland, and Madagascar.

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